Subject :# 14159 Curs Monogràfic: Shakespeare through Performance

Student´s name: Mengual Roca , Vanessa


Author or topicWilliam Shakespeare

Abstract: In this paper I have compared three comedies written by Shakespeare: Much Ado About NothingAs You Like It and Twelfth Night. I have established a parallelism between them focusing on female’s characters. In the introduction I explain the reasons behind my choice. In order to make clear how these female characters are depicted in these plays, I have provided to each play a section with lots of representative examples about Beatrice, Rosalind and Viola‘s speeches and actions. In addition to this, Shakespeare wrote in the Elizabethan times so it deserves another section where the reasons about  female’s behaviour in his works will have justification. If you are interested in my opinions and in the main points of this paper it is gathered in the conclusion.


Auto-evaluation: I think I deserve a mark of 8 taking into account all the effort behind my work in order to write a paper with visual examples provided by text and films analysed.








Academic Year 2012/2013
©a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Vanessa Mengual Roca











Subject :# 14159 Curs Monogràfic: Shakespeare through Performance

Student´s name: Mengual Roca , Vanessa

Title of the paper: Challenging the patriarchal system of a passive femininity

Author or topicWilliam Shakespeare

Abstract: In this paper I am going to analyze  the role which Rosalind plays in the comedy called As You Like It, focusing on how she drifts away from the attitude women adopt in Shakespeare’s society. In the introduction I explain the reasons behind my choice and in order to know how women’s position was during Shakespeare’s time an overview to the  Elizabethan society has been provided. On the other hand, a profound study about Rosalind (the major character in the play) is given through several speeches. In addition to this, some critical controversies are exposed to know how I differ or agree about how Rosalind’s character has been understood throughout history. If you are interested in my opinions and the main points of this paper, it will be gathered in my conclusion.


Auto-evaluation: I think I deserve a mark of 8 because I reckon that it is worth knowing how a great writer as Shakespeare was concerned with the women’s position in his society and he decided to talk about it through his plays although using for it the technique of cross-dressing.








Academic Year 2012/2013
©a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Vanessa Mengual Roca


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