Subject: # 14217 Poesía Inglesa desde el siglo XVIII Grupo  B

Student´s name: Mengual Roca , Vanessa

Title of the paper: A ‘spinster’  who disguised her true personality and yearnings in verses.

Author or topic: Christina Rossetti

Abstract: In this paper I am going to analyze the true personality of  Christina Georgina Rossetti (Ellen Alleyne). First of all, I have written an introduction to present the work  I have carried out. I have offered a biography of the author for the reader to contextualize the poet and to have a knowledge about what type of life Christina Rossetti lived. After that, one of her most important works has been provided: ‘Goblin Market’ because starting from this poem I have come to understand her true personality. So, a strong relation between Goblin Market and her personality has been established and broken down in four parts called: Sexuality education and Victorian morals; religion and feminism. Lastly, the conclusion summarizes my impressions on the paper.


Auto-evaluation: I think I deserve a mark of 7, since I have chosen an interesting topic to the viewer, I have gone beyond Christina’s simple appearance and I have got me mixed up a lot in the poem’s feelings. As detailed as it is possible, this paper has been done.

Academic Year 2010/2011
©a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Vanessa Mengual Roca

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