Subject :# 14214 Narrativa Inglesa desde el siglo XVIII Grupo  C 

Student´s name: Mengual Roca, Vanessa

Title of the paper: I wonder if time and personality are together in Six Sex Scenes. Don’t you?

Author or topic: Adrienne Eisen

Abstract: In this paper I am going to analyze the most  well-known hypertext written by Adrienne Eisen: Six Sex Scenes; focusing on time and its relation with the story’s background. I have kept to this point specifically but to understand it better I am going to offer the viewer a more complete information. At first, you can read an introduction which introduce you to this paper and later you can consult a great deal of information about the authoress: Adrienne Eisen or Penelope Trunk and about the hypertext. Then, you will know all my impressions about structure and narrative tools, Six Sex Scene topics, space and time as the character’s responsible. Everything this and more will be gathered in my personal conclusion.

Bibliography, URL’s

Auto-evaluation:I think I deserve a mark of 7-8, as I have dedicated a lot of effort to go beyond a simple sex story and to look for and explain what could be interesting to the viewer.

Academic Year 2009/2010
©a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Vanessa Mengual Roca

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