



After viewing this introductory video and highlighting the most important points of her biography, this paper goes on.

Analysed the Christina Rossetti’s true personality in my first paper, now I have decided to focus in greater detail on this subject but going beyond this. I am interested on searching if due to her personality she didn’t take part in the Pre- Raphaelitism Brotherhood or, on the contrary, this hadn’t something to do with her character and there were another reasons.

First of all, I have compared and checked if the Pre-Raphaelites poetry shares the same themes that Christina Rossetti’s one. So, in the section called ‘components of Pre-Raphaelitism and her poems’ we can see several correlations between both. I have distributed themes as it follows: medieval, inner life, religion and love; although this division has been made, every poem from Christina Rossetti contains a bit of each.

When I  have observed Christina Rossetti would have entered in this group of artists by her poetry’s features, a doubt struck me: Why was she always relationed with Pre-Raphaelitism Brotherhood but she was never part of it?

Reading again and again through her biography, I was interested on her family and I realized that in her femily unit there was a choral voice: Dante Gabriel Rossetti, her brother.

At the end of 1850s, while Gabriel settled as a remarkable painter, Christina was immersed in a severe depression which in my opinion nobody was interested in it. Not only did her brother Gabriel reach popularity, but also her brother William, too.

Christina Rossetti as a woman hadn’t a say in this Victorian society but moreover, another factor would be crucial for her exclusion of Pre-Raphaelitism Brotherhood: her brother. This one, by his self-interest, he managed him to exclude his sister. Deep down in his person, he knew Christina Rossetti’s works were good and appealing. In this way, he was afraid because if something would have been published with Christina Rossetti’s name, she would have outshone part of his popularity. So, he did his utmost to try his sister was aside. Christina Rossetti was categorised in her life by her status of being sister.

Finally, in my own conclusion you will see my goals in this paper as the same way as my interests to do it. Everything has been made with a bit of my female’s impressions and intuitions.

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