Teaching culture is a MUST in our English class,so…
here there is a proposal:

Pre-teaching: the teacher has prepared a mute map of the UK. She will explain the regions in which the country is divided and she will provide the students with general information about England. Afterwards, the teacher will divide the classroom into four groups (the four regions of the United Kingdom: Scotland, England, North Ireland and Wales). And the teacher will take a picture of each group and will stick it into each region in the map. Each group will have a full day to present their work and to create activities for their classmates (recipes, games, plays…). 

–> see the map

Actual Teaching: during one or two sessions students will prepare their posters and oral presentations in class looking for information about their region. The teacher will provide the students some magazines, articles, links, etc. to help them. 
While students are working in groups, the teacher will go around helping them if they need it. 


Post-teaching: Each group will use a full session to present their classmates about what they have looked into. At the beginning, they will have to give some theoretical information helped by posters or maps they have created. After that, they will do the activity they have prepared in which they will have to make sure that the rest of the class has understood what they have presented.


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